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👀 安裝相關套件

以下是課程中Installation of Tensorflow & Keras (Part 1)的說明:

Please proceed to the next Lecture and copy/paste the following commands/links when instructed.

Please note that the commands below are based on the latest updates and may slightly differ from the video. In any case, please use the latest commands below!

Option 1: Adding Keras & Tensorflow to an existing Python 3.8/3.9/3.10 Environment with

conda install tensorflow

(Keras already included)

Note: This may not work with Python 3.11 or 3.12 (as of October 2024)

Option 2: Creating a new Environment with

註: 如果使用pip install tensorflow,可能會出現Windows not support Long Paths的錯誤,解決方式可參考以下:

